Cameron Anderson

Cameron J. Anderson

Ph.D. Student

Hamilton, Ontario


Cam is a music cognition researcher in the Music, Acoustics, Perception and LEarning (MAPLE) Lab at McMaster University. His research examines the perceptual implications of music’s historic changes by blending approaches from empirical musicology and cognitive psychology.


M.Sc. in Psychology

2019 - 2021 · McMaster University, Hamilton ON

Thesis: Elements of musically conveyed emotion: Insights from musical and perceptual analyses of historic preludes.

B.Mus. in Music (Music Cognition Specialization)

2015 - 2019 · McMaster University, Hamilton ON

Thesis: Making musical medical alarms: Examining melodic alarm recognition accuracy across contrasting timbres


Journal Articles

Anderson, C. J., & Schutz, M. (2023). Understanding Feature Importance in Musical Works: Unpacking Predictive Contributions to Cluster Analyses. Music & Science 6.

Anderson, C. J., Sreetharan, S., Elizondo López, A. E., Schlesinger, J. J., & Schutz, M. (2023). Improving auditory alarms: Reducing perceived annoyance with musical timbre (a randomized trial). Perioperative Care and Operating Room Management 100332.

Anderson, C. J., & Schutz, M. (2022). Exploring Historic Changes in Musical Communication: Deconstructing Emotional Cues in Preludes by Bach and Chopin. Psychology of Music 50 (5), 1424–1442.

Kelly, B. O., Anderson, C. J., & Schutz, M. (2021). Exploring Changes in the Emotional Classification of Music Between Eras. Auditory Perception & Cognition 4 (1-2), 121.

Foley, L., Anderson, C. J., & Schutz, M. (2020). Re-Sounding Alarms: Designing Ergonomic Auditory Interfaces by Embracing Musical Insights. Healthcare 8 (4), 389.


Zhou, J., Anderson, C. J., & Schutz, M. (2023). Accuracies in Algorithmic Predictors of Musical Emotion. Acoustics Week in Canada, North America, Aug. 2023.

Other Outputs

Anderson, C. J. (2022, January 28). How Digital Tools Can Help Us Understand Music Analysis. Lewis & Ruth Sherman Centre For Digital Scholarship.


Emotional Piano Project

Cam’s research at the MAPLE Lab examines the relationship between composers’ expressive choices and music’s perceived emotion using a combination of formal music analysis, perceptual experiments and machine learning approaches.

Auditory Alarms Project

Cam has also worked on a project examining how musical considerations in the design of medical auditory alarms can reduce their perceived annoyance.

Research Interests

  • Cognitive psychology, empirical musicology, emotion, timbre, tone synthesis, machine learning.


Nested Accordion
Cam performs trombone in several musical styles including jazz, opera, and reggae. He has performed in a variety of ensembles across Ontario including the McMaster Jazz Band, Theatre Ancaster, and The Southern Ontario Lyric Opera. Outside of Canada, Cam performed with the reggae group Son D'Jah in San Martin, Peru.
